Charlotte Catholic Bands

Ireland 2019
Thank you for your interest in our Ireland 2019 trip! When we took this trip in 2015, it was the highlight of our year. There is no comparison to the education students receive by traveling. Below, I've outlined information about our Ireland trip. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions.
-Mr. Cook
Ireland Informational PowerPoint
Our Ireland 2019 PowerPoint can be found under the Ireland 2019 tab. Just hover your cursor over the tab and a drop-down menu will appear.
Ireland 2019 Registry
Our Ireland 2019 Survey and Registry is also available in the drop-down menu. This is password protected and the password should be in the packet letter. Feel free to contact me for the password or ask a friend!
Ireland 2019 Payments
Our first Ireland 2019 payment is due on March 1st and payable under the Charlotte Catholic School Store or on this website under Band Stores.
Necessary Documents
2019 Ireland Interest Survey (DUE: Feb 23rd)
$300 Initial Payment (DUE: March 1st)